How to Share Instagram Photos

How to Share Instagram Photos

The whole point of Instagram is photos. You can write descriptions and use hashtags to support your photos, but your photo is the real purpose. Therefore, it’s important to create great photos in your stream. What I love about Instagram is that it gives you most of the tools you need to create stunning images every single time!

Taking a photo on your smartphone (or other mobile device) is pretty easy. Most smartphones and tablets now offer multiple camera functions and settings that allow more professional looking images. And if you’re savvy, you’re probably pretty good at utilizing these additional camera settings. Most of the time you can get a pretty decent photo using your camera alone. But Instagram adds some fun tricks and filters to enhance your photo into something amazing.

When you import the photo into Instagram, you will get a screen much like this one. This is from my Android device iPhones look a little different but the tools and icons are very similar.

How to Share Instagram Photos

  • The < arrow takes you back out of Instagram and returns you to your original photo.
  • The square is your picture frame button. When it’s a simple square, your picture frame is off, when it’s a decorative square, the picture frame is on. Simply touching this icon toggles the feature on and off.
  • The teardrop is the tilt-shift function but essentially it alters your depth of field. I commonly refer to it as the blur tool. Clicking on this opens up a little pull down menu with a round icon, a line icon, and an X icon. I will get into the specifics of this function a little bit later.
  • The sun is the contrast function. Tapping this will bump up the contrast of your image and tapping it again will return your image to its original composition. I’ll talk more about the advantage of this tool in a little bit.
  • The tilted square with the dotted line is your rotate feature. If your photo uploaded sideways or upside down, use this feature to rotate the image to the correct orientation. Or if you want to add creative flare by tilting your image slightly, you can alter it at small degree intervals.
  • The green > arrow is the “upload” button that actually posts your edited photo to Instagram. From here you’ll add your description, locations, etc. to the photo. On an iPhone, the green arrow is not present – instead, you’ll have a green check mark at the bottom of the screen.

The options along the bottom are your filters that you can use to enhance your photos. You can scroll back and forth through these and tapping on one will add the selected filter to the image. Just click on a new filter to change the effect. If you’re an amazing photographer with awesome skills, you can always leave your filter option as “normal” and no filter effects will be added to your photo.

The important thing to remember about Instagram is that the photos that get the most likes and interaction are the ones with the most vivid colors. Yes, a great black and white shot can be amazing. Yes, the right filter can remove years of wrinkles and sun damage from a selfie. But in general, editing your photos for optimum color resolution will create the best photos by Instagram standards.


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Originally posted 2022-02-19 16:48:31.

Digital Marketing