Prosedur Pengendalian Penerimaan Kas Menurut Dyckman

Prosedur Pengendalian Penerimaan Kas Menurut Dyckman

Kas merupakan suatu elemen yang sangat mudah diselewengkan karena sifatnya yang sangat mudah untuk dipindahtangankan, sehingga perlu diadakan pengendalian yang ketat terhadap kas. Pengendalian kas bisa dilakukan terhadap penerimaan kas dan pengeluaran kas.

Prosedur Pengendalian Penerimaan Kas Menurut Dyckman

Adapun prosedur pengendalian terhadap penerimaan kas menurut Dyckman et al (1995 : 321) sebagai berikut :

  1. Separate the responsibilities for handling cash, for recording cash transactions, and for reconciling cash balances. This separations reduces the possibility of theft and of concealment through false recording.
  2. Assign Cash-handling and cash recording responsibilities to different person to ensure an uninterrupted flow of cash from receipt to deposit. This control requires immediate counting, immediate recording, and timely deposit.of all cash received.
  3. Maintain close supervision of all cash-handling and cash recording fungction. This control includes both routine and surprise cash counts, interval audits, and daily reports of cash receipts, payments, and balances.

Sedangkan prosedur pengendalian terhadap pengeluaran kas menurut Dyckman et al (1995 : 321) sebagai berikut :

  1. Separate the responsibilities for cash disbursment documentation, check writing, check signing, check mailing, and record keeping.
  2. Except for internal cash funds (petty cash), make all cash disbursments by check.
  3. If petty cash funds are employed, develop tight controls and authorization procedures for their use.
  4. Prepare and sign checks onlu when supported by adequate documentation and verification.
  5. Supervise all cash disbursements and record-keeping functions.

Dari penjelasan tersebut, maka syarat utama dalam pengendalian kas adalah perusahaan membuka rekening giro pada bank dan dibentuknya dana kas kecil (Petty Cash Fund).



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Originally posted 2022-03-17 01:30:29.
